How to prevent drug-induced hearing loss?

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  • Source:Oticon Hearing Aids
Hearing impairment refers to varying degrees of hearing loss. People are accustomed to calling it deafness, and severe hearing loss is called deafness. Hearing loss that does not reach this level of severity is called hearing loss. Protecting hearing is very important. For adults, good hearing can be maintained and the possibility of hearing loss can be reduced by controlling noise, ensuring hearing safety, monitoring ototoxic drugs, and paying attention to ear hygiene.

How to prevent hearing loss caused by drugs?

Drug-induced deafness refers to the deafness caused by the use of certain drugs to treat diseases or the human body's exposure to certain chemical agents. It is often irreversible damage. In severe cases, instability in standing or gait, and uncoordinated limb movements on both sides may occur. Generally, hearing in both ears begins to decline symmetrically within a few months or even years after stopping the drug. Deafness may also occur during medication, eventually leading to deafness. Nearly a hundred kinds of ototoxic drugs have been discovered, among which aminoglycoside antibiotics are the most common cause of deafness. These antibiotics are widely used because of their broad antibacterial spectrum, fast efficacy, and low price.

In older adults, some blood pressure medications and pain relievers may also cause hearing loss. Therefore, when purchasing these drugs, people should read the drug instructions carefully and consult their doctor whether they need to use these drugs.

Strictly control the use of drugs and use ototoxic drugs with caution, especially during pregnancy. 2 You should learn more about your medical history and family history to see if there is a history of drug-induced deafness. If so, try to reduce the use of ototoxic drugs. If toxic drugs 3 must be used, the dosage must be strictly controlled. 4. You can take some detoxification drugs at the same time. 5. Stop taking the medication immediately if hearing loss is found. 6. Avoid the combined use of ototoxic drugs. 7. The elderly, young children, patients with liver and kidney diseases and patients with existing hearing loss should use it with caution or prohibit noise. Manufacturers should also use ototoxic drugs with caution 9. Enhance their knowledge and understanding of ototoxic drugs and raise awareness of standardized medication use.

When you must use ototoxic drugs, you should pay attention to the following points:
1. Ototoxic drugs, especially aminoglycoside antibiotics, should be used if they can be used. If they must be used, ototoxic drugs should be selected. Smaller, more effective drugs. Use the smallest effective dose and shorten the medication time as much as possible;
2. Before taking medication, you should read the drug instructions carefully, strictly grasp the indications for drug use, and choose the drug correctly.Prescribe the right medicine;
3. The elderly, young children, those with liver and kidney dysfunction and those with original hearing damage should reduce the dose or extend the interval;
4. Some ototoxic drugs are aggravated when used in combination The toxic effects will aggravate the damage to the auditory nerve, so the use of more than two ototoxic drugs should be avoided as much as possible.
5. During the use of ototoxic drugs, conduct regular hearing tests. If signs of hearing loss are found, it is recommended to stop the drug immediately; drug-induced deafness is hereditary. If there is a history of drug-induced deafness in the family, it is recommended to take The child went to the hospital for genetic testing for deafness. Carrying the drug-induced deafness gene will not directly cause deafness, but this gene is very sensitive to aminoglycoside antibiotics and will cause irreversible damage once the drug is used.

In short, preventing hearing loss caused by drugs requires taking a series of measures, including understanding the drugs that may cause hearing loss, formulating a reasonable medication plan, diagnosing and treating hearing loss in a timely manner, and paying attention to protecting your own hearing, etc. . These measures can reduce the damage to hearing caused by drugs and protect people's health.