What are the chances of recovery from nerve deafness?

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  • Views:793
  • Source:Oticon Hearing Aids
Nervous hearing loss includes three types: sensorineural hearing loss, conductive nerve hearing loss, and mixed nerve hearing loss. This disease is a disease that causes hearing impairment due to lesions in the auditory nerve of the inner ear and the auditory center of the brain. Patients are usually accompanied by uncomfortable symptoms such as tinnitus and ear congestion, which seriously affects the patient's health and normal life. Work.

How likely is it to recover from neurological deafness?

1. Can recover: If the deafness occurs suddenly recently, it may be possible to recover to a certain extent, or even achieve a better recovery, provided that active and effective treatment is received. For the condition of sudden deafness, it is usually necessary to use drugs that can help improve the microcirculation of the inner ear and nourish the nerves. Commonly used drugs include Jinado, Micoba, etc., and hormonal drugs such as dexamethasone are also needed. Patients can also use traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, or hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

2. Unable to recover: If the patient has symptoms of neurological deafness for a long time, or has presbycusic deafness due to age, or long-term noise-induced deafness, it is often difficult to effectively treat and recover. .

For patients with neurological deafness who have relatively little hearing loss and are treated early, the possibility of cure and hearing recovery is also relatively high. However, it is more difficult for patients with severe hearing loss and those who receive late treatment to recover their hearing. Some patients can retain their residual hearing through drug treatment, combined with language or auditory training, and restore their hearing level to a certain extent. For patients with severe hearing loss and poor conventional treatment, they need to choose hearing aids or surgical cochlear implants to improve their hearing and meet their daily work and communication needs.

Sensorineural deafness is a hearing impairment caused by neuropathy in the ear canal. Since this disease is extremely harmful to human hearing, if it is not treated in time, it is likely to cause permanent deafness, so it is necessary to actively cooperate with treatment in a timely manner. In addition, in daily life, do not use fingernails or foreign objects to dig into the ear canal to avoid bacterial infection and a series of ear diseases.