Why do some people often have earwax in their ears?

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  • Source:Oticon Hearing Aids
In real life, some people find that their ear secretions have increased significantly, and they can't help but want to dig out the ear secretions with their hands. This is an incorrect approach. In the case of increased ear secretions, it is necessary to find out the cause in time to see if it is caused by certain ear diseases. This can prevent ear secretions from increasing in a short period of time and causing adverse effects on the body.

Why do some people often have earwax in their ears?

There may be many reasons why some people often have earwax in their ears.

1. An individual’s oil secretion level may affect the production of earwax. People with excessive oil production may be more likely to have earwax form and accumulate in the ear canal.

2. Lifestyle habits: If you have eaten a lot of spicy and greasy food recently, or you often stay up late, or you are mentally depressed, etc., it can lead to an increase in the secretion of sebaceous glands, which can lead to the symptoms of frequent earwax;< br />
3. The structure of the external auditory canal may also affect the formation of earwax. In people with curved, narrow, or irregular external auditory canals, earwax may be more difficult to drain, causing frequent buildup. In addition, some people may have more dry or wet earwax. Dry earwax is more likely to accumulate in the ear canal, while wet earwax may be passed out more easily.

4. Otitis externa: If you dig your ears frequently, it may damage the skin of the external auditory canal and cause otitis externa. Otitis externa usually manifests as itching, scaling, exudation, etc. The exudation will gradually solidify to form cerumen, resulting in frequent earwax. In addition, long-term ear picking will damage the cilia in the ear, making it difficult to discharge earwax;

5. Fungal infection of the external auditory canal: When the ear is infected by fungus, it usually manifests as itching, oozing, and oozing. fluid, crusts, etc., and then many and frequent symptoms of earwax appear.

6. Environmental factors may also affect the formation of earwax. For example, prolonged exposure to dry conditions or high altitudes may increase earwax buildup.

7. Certain diseases or drugs may also affect the formation and secretion of earwax.

Although earwax accumulation may be harmless in some cases, if there is too much earwax or it accumulates too tightly in the ear canal, it can cause discomfort , hearing loss or infection and other problems. Therefore, for people who regularly produce excess earwax, it is recommended to clean their ears regularly, use gentle cleaning products, and consult a doctor for more detailed advice and treatment options.

If too much cerumen accumulates in the external auditory canal, affecting hearing or causing inflammation, this is called cerumen embolism. Most triggers are ear picking, swimming, long-term suppurative otitis media, and other injuries or irritations to the skin of the external auditory canal. Some systemic chronic diseases, such as diabetes, long-term constipation, endocrine disordersDisorders, anemia, etc. When the body's resistance is low, it is easy to cause this disease.