What should I do if my child's ears are filled with earwax and are so hard that they can't be removed?

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  • Views:686
  • Source:Oticon Hearing Aids
Cerumen, commonly known as earwax or earwax, is a light yellow viscous liquid secreted by the ceruminous glands in the cartilage skin of the external auditory canal. Cerumen glands are special sweat glands located in the skin of the external auditory canal where the ear hairs grow. Cerumen becomes flakes after drying in the air, but some cerumen looks like sticky grease, commonly known as "oil ears".

What should I do if the earwax in my child’s ears is blocked and it’s so hard that I can’t remove it?

If you find that there is hard earwax in your baby's ears, it is recommended to go to the otolaryngology department in time and seek help from a professional doctor.

If the child is too young, it is usually not recommended to remove ear wax, because this is likely to cause the child's ears to become infected, resulting in inflammation. Moreover, earwax is a protective film for the ears and can be discharged automatically, so you don’t need to worry too much. If there is a lot of earwax in the child's ears and it is not discharged, it is best to go to the hospital and ask an otologist to clean the child's ears to avoid infection.

Most people’s earwax will be discharged from the external auditory canal on its own with yawning, swallowing and other actions. Therefore, if your child’s ears do not show symptoms of discomfort, do not remove earwax excessively. If you find that your child's earwax is large and hard and cannot be dug out with an earpick or other tools, you can first use sodium bicarbonate ear drops to instill into the ear. The earwax will soften in about 3 to 5 days. At this time, you can use ear picks again. It can be dug out with an ear scoop.

Preventing cerumen embolism is the key!
1. Keeping the external auditory canal clean is the first condition to prevent cerumen embolism.
2. It is best to check before swimming and remove the cerumen debris first to prevent embolism from swelling after water ingress and easily causing earache. Therefore, if there is too much cerumen, you can go to the hospital regularly and ask an otologist to help remove it to prevent cerumen embolism.
3. Once cerumen induces inflammation, the inflammation should be actively eliminated first, and the embolus should be removed as soon as possible to prevent poor drainage and the spread of inflammation into the ear. After removing the cerumen, be sure to keep it clean and dry.

4. Don’t pick out your ears casually. It is very wrong to do it when you have something to do.of.

In short, parents should try not to pick out their children’s ears without a doctor’s advice, especially not to use a metal ear-picking spoon. If you see suspected "earwax" in your child's ears, but the child does not show any ear discomfort, parents should be patient. If they are really worried, it is appropriate to see an otologist for treatment.