Trying out hearing aids is fine at the store, but not at home?

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  • Views:151
  • Source:Oticon Hearing Aids

As we age, our hearing tends to decline, prompting many seniors to seek hearing aids when they notice hearing issues. However, some seniors experience a disconnect between the effectiveness of the hearing aids during a trial at the store and their performance at home. What could be the reason for this?

1. Environmental Factors

Hearing aids, much like eyeglasses, require an adjustment period. When we first wear glasses, everything appears exceptionally bright and clear. Similarly, when hearing aids are suddenly worn, the amplification of sounds may feel uncomfortable. This occurs because the brain has adapted to normal auditory stimuli, and the sudden introduction of hearing aids may take some time for the brain to adjust. Therefore, seniors should give their brains an adaptation period after wearing hearing aids. Gradually increase the wearing time each day to allow the brain to acclimate.

Moreover, when wearing hearing aids, the environment should not be too quiet. Seniors who are accustomed to prolonged periods of quietness may find it uncomfortable when first using hearing aids in noisy surroundings. Hence, it is advisable for seniors not to rush to places with high noise levels (such as markets or malls) immediately after wearing hearing aids. Wait until the brain adapts, which typically takes 1-3 months, before gradually venturing into these environments.

2. Functional Factors

Some seniors may use mid-range or low-end hearing aids without many advanced features. For better results, they may need to upgrade to more high-end hearing aids.

3. Fitting Factors

If a senior's hearing loss changes, and the hearing aids remain set to the original parameters, the effectiveness will inevitably decrease. Therefore, seniors should undergo hearing tests and readjust their hearing aid parameters regularly, typically every three months.

4. Ear Canal Factors

In cases where seniors have severe hearing loss, especially high-frequency loss, and narrow ear canals or inflammation, using low-powered or inadequately fitting hearing aids can significantly impact effectiveness. Seniors in this category should choose powerful and well-sealed hearing aids. Additionally, proper ear canal hygiene and addressing inflammation are crucial.

5. Improper Usage

Some seniors may initially experience satisfactory results with their hearing aids, but effectiveness diminishes over time. This could be due to improper habits or handling, such as frequently placing hearing aids in pockets or neglecting regular cleaning. Seniors should ensure hearing aids are kept dry, clean, and avoid rough handling. If issues arise during use, seeking advice from a hearing specialist promptly is essential.

In conclusion, there are various reasons why hearing aids may not perform well for seniors. If encountering such issues, seniors should consult with a hearing specialist for assistance promptly. It's also crucial not to overly rely on hearing aids, maintaining good lifestyle habits and a positive mindset contributes to overall hearing health.

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