Are Hearing Aids Gathering Dust in the Drawer? Is That Really a Good Idea?

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  • Source:Oticon Hearing Aids

Recently, a fan left a message: 'I got hearing aids for my elders, but they don't wear them regularly. It's like wearing reading glasses – they only take them out occasionally for watching TV or going out. Are hearing aids just sitting in the drawer a good idea?'

Some seniors may worry that wearing hearing aids regularly can be troublesome or lead to dependence, making it difficult to take them off for an extended period. There might also be misconceptions that wearing hearing aids could further deteriorate hearing. However, wearing hearing aids is different from wearing glasses. Choosing the right hearing aids is just the beginning; consistent wear is equally crucial. When faced with these concerns, let's patiently explain to the elderly why consistent hearing aid use is necessary.

Facilitates a Smooth Transition Period

In the initial stages of using hearing aids, patients may feel discomfort and unnatural. This is because hearing loss results in a lack of auditory stimulation for some time, and it takes time to readjust to the sounds heard through hearing aids. Additionally, hearing aids are electronic devices with different working principles than our natural ears, requiring some time to adapt.

When starting to use hearing aids, it's advisable to avoid noisy places like busy city areas or streets. These environments can make beginners feel uncomfortable, not yet accustomed to such noisy sounds.

Aids in Preserving Residual Hearing

Once adapted to hearing aids, wearing them consistently every day is crucial. This helps in preserving residual hearing. Patients with hearing loss often experience auditory function degradation due to a lack of sound stimulation.

Long-term use of hearing aids continuously transmits sounds to the brain, assisting in maintaining the brain's understanding of speech. Over time, patients' adaptability to sounds improves, and cognitive abilities also enhance.

Contributes to Achieving Optimal Hearing Aid Effects

Consistent hearing aid wear helps in promptly detecting changes in hearing or other auditory issues. Providing feedback to the hearing care professional allows for adjustments or issue resolutions, ensuring the optimal performance of the hearing aids. Occasional use of hearing aids not only fails to preserve residual hearing but may also result in auditory function degradation, reducing the effectiveness of the hearing aids.

Therefore, some patients complain about the inadequate effectiveness of hearing aids and refuse to wear them. Although wearing hearing aids regularly might be slightly more inconvenient compared to wearing glasses, it can significantly improve the quality of life for patients. If patients find it challenging to take off their hearing aids, it indicates that they have adapted to them, and the hearing aid is working well.

Wearing the right hearing aids tailored to individual needs does not lead to further hearing deterioration. Instead, it helps preserve residual hearing, enabling patients to listen and communicate better. By patiently explaining the benefits of consistent hearing aid use, seniors will gradually understand and cooperate.

For a wide range of hearing aids, including the Smart U Rechargeable Hearing Aids and CIC Rechargeable Hearing Aids, visit Chosgo Hearing. Explore our collection and discover the Smart U Rechargeable Hearing Aids. Invest in your loved ones' hearing health with Chosgo Hearing Aids.