How should I check if I feel my hearing has decreased?

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  • Source:Oticon Hearing Aids
Hearing is a very subtle sense of the human body. A slight decrease in hearing may greatly reduce your quality of life. When hearing loss occurs, you should promptly seek help from a professional otologist for necessary examinations.

How should I check if my hearing has decreased?
Many people may not know much about hearing tests. Here is a brief introduction. Hearing exams are safe and painless and generally include taking a medical history, identifying everyday words at different intensities, and distinguishing different sounds. The staff will record the data in the entire process in the form of a graph to reflect the hearing condition of the person being tested, such as whether the hearing is damaged, what type of hearing loss it is, the degree of hearing loss, etc. These analysis results will provide professionals with various reference bases, such as whether treatment is needed, whether hearing aids should be worn, etc.

1. Pure tone audiometry
Pure tone audiometry is a standardized objective behavioral response audiometry that tests hearing sensitivity. The purpose of the test is to understand whether hearing is normal or not, as well as the level and nature of hearing loss, and to serve as a basis for diagnosis and treatment. This operation is tested by professional audiologists.

2. Acoustic impedance test
The purpose of the acoustic impedance test is to analyze the condition of the middle ear. It is used to understand and diagnose the pressure status of the middle ear tympanum, the function of the Eustachian tube and the stapedius muscle reflex.

3. Consultation and external ear examination
First, the otolaryngologist will generally ask the patient what discomforts he or she is feeling and whether he or she has tinnitus, ear fullness, dizziness, hearing loss and other deafness symptoms. Patients need to tell their doctors in detail when symptoms began to appear and what medications they have used to treat them. After a simple consultation, the doctor will have a general understanding of the course of the disease, and then the otolaryngologist will wear a forehead mirror to examine the patient's external ear.
4. Tuning fork experiment

Tuning fork is one of the essential magic weapons for otolaryngologists. It is a "Y" shaped steel or aluminum alloy sounder that will make a "buzzing sound" when struck. "Buzz" low vibration sound. The tuning fork is a test for the nervous system's induction of vibration, which can test the left and right sides of bone conduction and air conduction.ear difference. Bone conduction refers to the conduction of sound to the inner ear through bones to stimulate the auditory nerve to the brain to produce hearing. Air conduction means that sound travels in the form of sound waves in the air to produce hearing.

5. Ear cleaning

For those whose ears secrete a lot of cerumen (earwax), the doctor will arrange for ear cleaning before the hearing test. When cleaning the left ear, the patient holds the ear cleaning cup with his right hand and places it under the left ear. The doctor uses a needle to inject warm saline into the ear canal to flush the external auditory canal. The cerumen (earwax) in the ears will flow into the cup with the water flow. Use a cotton swab to drain the remaining water in the ear canal to complete ear cleaning.

If hearing loss occurs, it is necessary to have a hearing test as soon as possible to clarify the cause, because only by understanding the actual condition of hearing can we prescribe the right medicine for the situation. Improve hearing system.

When our hearing decreases, it will have a certain impact on our normal life, and may even worsen and lead to deafness. Therefore, you must not ignore it when your hearing decreases. You must get checked out and seek medical treatment as soon as possible to know the true condition of your hearing.